Can I Pay A Credit Card Bill On The Due Date?
Credit cards have become a need today. With competitive offers and bonus points on different cards, everyone wants to own one. With several credit cards available in the market specific questions related to credit cards arise among the masses. One of them is related to the due date on which the card bill has to be paid . Talking about the due date, you first need a brief of what a Billing Cycle is. A billing cycle is a period after which your credit card statement is generated. Suppose your previous statement was generated on the 10th of a month so your next statement will be generated on the 10th of next month. The period between these two dates is known as the Billing Cycle. Now that the statement arrives on the 10th of next month, a due date is where you have to pay for this statement. The due date is generally 20 to 25 days after your statement has been generated by your credit card company. The period between your Due date and the date your statement was generated is known ...